The joint-stock company "The National Company" Socially-entrepreneurial corporation "Oral" announces the tender by way of a tender for the implementation of the stake in MFO "Oral" LLP 51%, which hold on November 25, 2016 at 11.00 (Astana time) portal of the State Property Register
The starting price is 102 020 000 (one hundred two million twenty thousand) tenge, excluding VAT.
The joint-stock company "The National Company" Socially-entrepreneurial corporation "Oral" announces the holding of an electronic auction for the sale of the facility - 50.1% of the stake in the authorized capital of the Limited Liability Partnership "Wholesale and retail market of agricultural goods" Yerisy "according to the English method of bidding , which will be held at 12.00 o'clock on October 28, 2014 on the time of Astana on the web portal of the State Property Register
- Стартовал прием заявок на финансирование весенне-полевых работ
- Әлеуметтік маңызы бар азық-түлік тауарларының бағасын тұрақтандыру үшін азық-түлік тауарларының тауарлық интервенциясы туралы хабарландыру
- Комплаенс контроль
- Консультация по правовым вопросам
- СПК "AQJAIYQ" предлагает оптимальный способ реализации дачной продукции