Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
Joint-stock company Development Bank of Kazakhstan was established in accordance with:
- By Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev dated December 28, 2000 No. 531 “On the Development Bank of Kazakhstan”;
- By the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 18, 2001 No. 659 “On the establishment of the Closed Joint Stock Company“ Development Bank of Kazakhstan ”
Status and Mandate:
- Plays a strategic role in the implementation of the state program of industrialization
- Focuses on lending to strategic investment projects.
Capitalization and access to funding:
- Baa3 (Moody’s) / BBB- (Fitch) / BB + (S & P) Credit Ratings
- Regular access to the domestic capital market
- Access to government concessional loans and financing from the state budget
- The total capital adequacy ratio was 18.19% as of December 31, 2017.

Kazakh Export Export Insurance Company JSC
JSC “Export Insurance Company“ Kazakh Export ”was established in 2003 by a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Status and Mandate:
- Insurance services for commercial and political risks accompanying the implementation of foreign economic contracts of exporting enterprises of the non-primary sector.
Capitalization and access to funding:
- Baa3 (Moody’s) Credit Rating
- A cooperation agreement has been signed with Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC, under which the Kazakh Export coverage is accepted as highly liquid collateral
- In 2017, a capital increase of 13.9 billion tenge was obtained in order to ensure financial stability and increase the amount of support provided.

Kazyna Capital Management JSC
Kazyna Capital Management JSC was created in 2007 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Status and Mandate:
- Development of private equity infrastructure in Kazakhstan in order to promote sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan.
- Formation of an independent cluster of management companies and funds for the effective development of private equity in Kazakhstan.
- KKM invests in promising and strategically important private equity funds.
- 13 private equity funds with KKM participation, including 5 active ones.
- 7 funds were created at the initiative of the President and the Government of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund LLP
Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund LLP was established on March 19, 2014 in accordance with the decision of the Coordination Council on PPP under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 3, 2013.
The main goals and objectives of the Fund are to promote investment and economic development by providing services for financing the development of project documentation and advisory support of infrastructure projects, as well as projects in the manufacturing industry.
Status and Mandate:
- financing the development of project documentation and structuring investment and infrastructure projects, including PPP projects;
- providing services for analyzing and evaluating the possibility of implementing investment and infrastructure projects, including PPP projects;
- advisory support for concession and PPP projects;
- organization of debt financing and attraction of investment capital of capital.