Corporate events
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the West Kazakhstan Region No. 26-NK dated 07/22/2024, Kayupov Tlepbergen Ersaevich was excluded from the Board of Directors of SEC Aqjaiyq JSC, Deputy Akim of the West Kazakhstan region Aitmukhambetov Kaliyar Shadiyarovich was appointed a new member of the Board of Directors.
- By the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC SEC Aqjaiyq No. 11 dated 07/25/2024, Deputy Akim of the West Kazakhstan region Aitmukhambetov Kaliyar Shadiyarovich was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the State Institution “Management of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan Region” No. 24-NK dated 07/13/2023, the head of the State Institution “Management of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan Region” Utepbayev Nurzhan Sapargeldievich was elected a member of the Board of Directors.
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the State Institution “Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of the West Kazakhstan Region” No. 2-NK dated 01/27/2025, the head of the State Institution “Department of Agriculture of the West Kazakhstan region” Khaliullin Zhasulan Dzhuldybaevich was appointed a member of the Board of Directors.
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the State Institution “Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan Region” No. 38-NK dated 09/13/2022, Igor V. Steksov, Director of the West Kazakhstan branch of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, was appointed independent Director.
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the State Institution “Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan Region” No. 27-NK dated 08/05/2024, deputy of the West Kazakhstan Regional Maslikhat Sagitov Akylbek Temirbolatovich was appointed independent director.
- By Order of the sole shareholder of the State Enterprise “Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of West Kazakhstan Region” No. 54-NK dated 12/15/2023, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC SEC Aqjaiyq Dosmakov Yerzhan Nurzhanovich was appointed an independent member of the Board of Directors.
Corporate documents
Charter of JSC “SEC “AQJAIYQ”