Isatai-Makhambet, 84
MON - FRI: 09:00-18:30
SAT - SUN: day off
en ru kz



Priority is given to economic development, which has a quantitative impact on sustainable GDP growth and job creation, as well as a qualitative contribution to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the private sector.

In order to fulfill the mandate, set by the government, KIDF funds must be invested: together with foreign direct investment coming in cash and in an amount equal to or less than foreign direct investment within the country and used strictly for the creation/development/restoration of assets within the country through net equity instruments based on the risk-return ratio with preference to transactions registered under the AIFC.

KIDF evaluates each project in terms of its individual a) financial indicators and b) the effect of economic development (contribution to GDP, jobs, taxes) compared to other projects under consideration (active pipeline), as well as its impact on KIDF’s investment portfolio (exposure to the sector, profitability and risk, expected structure of cash flows).